Psychic Taste; Clairgustance
Do you think this is stupid to mock? Burn in HELL then.
Psychic Taste; Clairgustance
Clairgustance is a psychic ability related to the sense of taste that connects to a frequency of information, sometimes for solutions to events. Clairgustance is a counterpart to one of the five primary physical senses, thus producing ten primary senses. Five external, which are physical, and five internal senses, which are psychic. As above so below. Physical matter and etheric matter coincides together. The universe always seeks balance.
The nature of the etheric reality and of the physical reality are entwined, they correspond to each other, they work together and together generate the whole of reality. As within, so without. As in this case here, where we recognize that there is a psychic ability related to taste. That which is external has a counterpart that is internal -- related to your natural psychic abilities that are part of your birthright.
Psychic abilities that are expressed not by taste buds, or any physical organ, but by a 'sixth sense'. The brain is capable of connecting to frequencies by bridging the internal and external senses together for wholeness of being. All living beings are capable of these gifts, as it is natural.
How Clairgustance Works
Psychic abilities, such as Clairgustance, are often used similar to the primal ways physical senses are used, and convey only truth, even if sometimes in symbolism. Thus, psychic abilities are used to help us in regard to a fight or flight response often times with subject matters. Psychic tasting can therefore be used as a warning to medical necessities, as with a case I had with a client. Psychic abilities can guide you to advance your life, mind, spirit and body for total and spiritual growth, and therefore also to overcome and remedy threatening ailments, and can both protect and enlighten you to this purpose. To use your extended internal senses, such as Clairgustance, it is proven to yourself with your own experiences due to the circumstances as a case-by-case basis. That means that when someone experiences something called paranormal due to the fact that it isn’t completely understood at this time in human history that it doesn’t mean that it isn’t true. The truth and reality of Nature is greater than the understanding of Earthly Culture. It just means that when people don’t understand something the knowledge has been hidden, repressed from the people. In fact, psychic abilities and spirits are Entirely normal, just not commonly recognized by humans on Earth. When talking about things that are related to secret societies, and words like Satanism, evil, demons and so forth, often people try to avoid that knowledge, if they were told to fear it. People often fear what they don’t understand. Psychic abilities are a gateway to trans-humanism because we can only connect items to the physical reality that have a counterpart from the Ether. Whatever we receive in physical form is also in spirit form.
The main thing I notice with people that are psychically sensitive is that many people lack confidence in their spiritual gifts of knowing intuitively if something happened that was paranormal. It’s common to get confused by it when an internal sense is triggered and the paranormal phenomena happens in various forms. In this case we are talking about psychic tasting. Every psychic ability is there for a reason and it would be related to knowledge gained if used. If you see with your eyes you gain knowledge by your neurons tracking and producing information. Same thing goes for your other senses. You build neurons as your brain processes the data with any of the ten senses.
Experiences of Clairgustance
The first time I heard about clairgustance was with my twin flame when one day as I was eating an orange he said to me, “I don’t know why but I’m tasting an orange in my mouth." I couldn’t believe my ears! I got so happy and told him “I’m eating an orange right now!” We were entwining psychically. The oddness of it… meeting someone that was so much my match! And here he was tasting the fresh taste of an orange as I was enjoying the juice of it.
When I researched "psychic tasting" the only thing I found unusual about it, which was obviously false, was something stating that it happens by thinking about something and then imagining you are tasting it because you thought about it or that something you see triggers the taste of it. That’s not the case with how it is psychically. It’s about interpreting non-physical information when your internal, psychic senses are triggered as with Clairgustance. Modern cultural psychology has many flaws, one of which is they refuse to acknowledge psychic phenomena and thus make wild, false conclusions about matters.
I was doing a psychic reading on a pregnant lady that was about to deliver her baby. I was helping her with spiritual guidance related to her health and well-being for mind and body knowledge. I was reading frequencies, recordings with the body clairsentiently and clairvoyantly. I let my self take in all incoming information for her as I worked as a clear channel to take in information for her… when suddenly I tasted the flavor of chicken in my mouth. I felt it was too much chicken! I have to interpret the psychic information when I receive it. She was eating too much chicken was the message from Spirit. I thought about it and I do understand that we could eat too much of something. Not only that but we have to be aware of what actually is going into our bodies when it comes to harmful chemicals, pesticides and hormone injected farm raised products etc.
Could the hormones injected in the chicken be something to avoid before giving birth? Why or why not? See, that’s the way my psychic abilities work. Something else is chickens are not fed their natural diets today, which reduced their health physiologically and in the tissues. Some people better digest meat, some don't, and some blood types are less able to utilize chicken than others too. Pregnancy is very much affected by your own physiology and habits. Psychic abilities reveal information and sends me on a wild goose chase except I get to bring back the goose with me as evidence of what’s before us and is in tangible knowledge and understanding of the natural connections we all have to our ten senses that relates to the mysterious use of psychic abilities.
I work as a natural channel to allow Spirits access to communicate or if needed speak through me. I have many psychic abilities developed. I recognize I used Clairgustance, and that it is a legitimate psychic ability related to the sense of taste. That would relate to the fifth chakra point, color blue for color therapy use. That connects to Eastern Teachings for healing purposes. We can take into consideration Chinese Medicine as a good source that aligns to using and combining natural forms of medicine with intention to try alternative mind and body healing practices that connect to etheric matter. The studies would relate to Esoteric teachings too.
Clairgustance is just one of the senses that connect to our psychic abilities, chakra points and energy field for soul print knowledge. Or as in Clairgustance related to taste to bring your awareness to that which you taste for a reason! If you experience psychic taste there will be an explanation for the occurrence. Therefore, pay attention and connect the event to the explanation for it by paying attention and being aware of your internal senses, that they exists and in your life at certain times they can be triggered or you can develop them to use them more often and more successfully for a higher state of consciousness.
By Kimberly and Greg Bunch